Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Card For The Bachelorette

CAST? I have a neighbor

On Sunday we were visiting with Aunt toil, which is after the stroke and has not regained speech and physical fitness.

How to save IF a stroke?
specialist neurologist says that if the patient will be under his care within three hours, it is possible to cure the effects of stroke. The trick is to recognize the symptoms and bring to a simple diagnosis during those three hours. HOW TO IDENTIFY
is often difficult to recognize the symptoms. A stroke may be hemorrhagic (caused by a stroke) or ischemic (caused by stopping the blood flow to the brain). That lack of knowledge can be fatal if the people in the vicinity do not know how to recognize symptoms of stroke. Doctors agreed

simple method on how to recognize stroke
posing three questions: first

ask that the patient smiled,
second He rose to ask you BOTH HANDS UP,
third He reiterated that the patient ask SIMPLE SENTENCE
(for example, today the weather is nice),
if the person has difficulty with one of these tasks, call an ambulance immediately (reanimation) and describe the symptoms.

Doctors noticed that the way that even a layman can see symptoms such as facial muscle disability, lack of strength in the hands and difficulty with speech.

Doctors are turning to all that everyone remember these three basic tests. The prevalence of these three sentences will enable rapid diagnosis, earlier treatment and to avoid permanent disability.
Share the news.
She may save someone's life.

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posting on blogs and even recommended.


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